The EH representatives attended Tashkent City project presentation
On December 9, 2017 the EH representatives attended a presentation about the "Tashkent City" project organized by the Tashkent City IBC directorate.
"Tashkent City" project is a government supported project and involves the construction of residential housing of premium class, modern business offices, hotels, conference centers, hypermarkets, entertainment centers. "Tashkent City" will be located on a plot of 80 ha in downtown Tashkent.
As the project will be mostly funded by the investors as well as foreign and international grants, technical assistance, charitable donations, loans etc, the aim of the presentation has been to explain to these potential foreign investors and the local companies interested in taking part in this project about the conditions and terms of investment agreement and all other peculiarities necessary to know before going into the project.
It was said that the project provides prospective investors with government support. It is also important that the Administrative Council is headed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan and it consists of the heads of major ministries and departments. Administrative council’s working body is directorate.